Friday, September 01, 2006


since as long as i can recall
my teeth have been a pain
too many cavities and root canals
and brushing twice? all in vain!

now two of my wisdom teeth
happily lie in the dentist's bin,
to suffer such a gruesome fate
i must have surely sinned

the more i try to escape
the dentist's dreary lair,
the more i am laughed at by fate.
who said life was fair?

but my woes don't end here,
for other than the dentist's breed
there exists a ruthless type
equally painful, indeed.

this is the techie brigade
who can fly me to the moon
but they can't fix my laptop
clearly, i am doomed.

my pictures and my music
and all my data, gone.
without my on-blog radio
i feel quite forlorn.

they called it melodrama
when i shared my calamity.
but i've lost a part of my being.
life is one big travesty :(


Blogger wildflower seed said...



8:03 PM  
Blogger GhostOfTomJoad said...

:-) If it's any consolation, many of us share both your woes :-)

10:16 PM  
Blogger sattva said...

vb, long time :) visiting your blog only makes me sad...seeing all those links that i cant download!

ghost, thanks...some consolation is better than none :)

1:19 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And why then do you still brush every night?

2:03 AM  
Blogger kundalini said...

:). am sure you are aware that a "pink toothbrush" is part of the joys of pregnancy. i managed to escape that one, and hope you have too!

3:10 AM  
Blogger sattva said...

anon: kya aap close-up karte hayyyeeeeeeeennnnnn?

g, no pink toothbrush, but defi dental trouble. 2 extractions done and 2 cavities to be filled. i swear, eegs are FUN compared to anything the dentist does!

5:05 AM  
Blogger MockTurtle said...

Back up your data
and floss your teeth
are all that I can say.
Ignore me at your peril
and you'll lose both anyway.

(Ok, I'm a crap poet... I know, I know)

11:37 AM  
Blogger sattva said...

mockturtle, your advice came too late...have lost both already :) but i know better now!

thanks for visiting!

5:47 AM  

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